Dr. Maureen Knechtel Faculty Lecture

Hyder Auditorium, Science Building Milligan University

Risk Factor Modification as a Treatment Pillar in the Management of Atrial Fibrillation

RISE Above and Blue Ridge Undergraduate Research Conference

The 11th Annual RISE Above Research Conference features scholarly, mentored research projects from all undergraduate disciplines and majors, as well as graduate research. For more information, visit milligan.edu/research/conference.

Dr. Ron Kastens Faculty Lecture

Seeger Chapel, Mary B. Martin Auditorium Richardson Rd, Johnson City, Tennessee, United States

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Importance and Struggle of Self-Awareness

RISE Above and Blue Ridge Undergraduate Research Conference

Derthick Hall

The 12th annual RISE Above Research Conference features scholarly mentored research projects from all undergraduate disciplines and majors, as well as graduate research. This year’s conference will coincide with the […]