Dear Milligan Community, 

Over the past twenty-four hours, we have watched the news and heard from a number of the members of our Milligan community. It is difficult to quantify the magnitude and scope of the destruction left by the storms and flooding, and the sense of loss for many in our community defies words. Students, faculty, and staff are struggling with necessities like shelter, water, internet/communication, and transportation. We are aware that travel within the region has been crippled by the flooding. During this time of tragedy and devastation, the safety and well-being of our community is our primary concern. 

After assessing the damage and impact on members of our Milligan community, we have decided to modify our operations for tomorrow (September 30). Rather than try to carry on with business as usual, we will be focusing our energy on caring for those in our community who are suffering and in need. To properly care for our community, we have decided to cancel classes tomorrow (September 30). Employees who are able should report to campus as we organize ourselves to serve those who are in need. If travel to campus is unsafe for you, please notify us if you are able and attend to your own safety first. As we seek to assess the needs of our community, we will organize our efforts into three main groups—each of which will have oversight by cabinet members:  


Rich Aubrey and Kit Dotson will spearhead our response to students who have been impacted. A good number of our students are commuters, and we know that many have been impacted directly. We ask students who have been impacted by the storm to fill out the following form to help us understand your needs. Student Impact Form. Together, Rich and Kit will communicate with faculty and work to address the material needs of impacted students as we learn of them. Dr. Aubrey has already communicated to faculty that care and flexibility are critically important in the coming days. 

Faculty and Staff

Jacqui Smith and Christian Pope, in coordination with Leslie Bean, will lead the effort to assist faculty and staff who have been impacted by the storms. We know that many of you live in areas that sustained significant damage. We have also prepared a form for faculty and staff to fill out to alert us of your needs. Faculty and Staff Form. Jacqui, Christian, and Leslie will ensure that your supervisors are notified so we can be flexible as we assess and meet needs. 

Broader Community 

Rhajon Smith and Lauren Gullett will lead our engagement with and service to the broader community. Over the coming days and months, we will have numerous opportunities to serve our local community in the name of Jesus. Cleanup, repair, and rebuilding will be a long, slow process. Rhajon and Lauren will coordinate with local municipalities, churches, and schools to ensure that we are directing our efforts to help where they are most needed. We will communicate with the Milligan community when there are specific ways we can serve. 

Moving forward, we will centralize all information about our response on the following page on our website: There, you will find information about impacts on campus activities and service opportunities. We will continue regular communication with the campus community via email and social media.

We have a few logistical announcements: 

  • The Hayden Lectures, scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, have been postponed. We will announce a new date in the future. 
  • The Welshimer Library is experiencing issues with power and internet. The library is currently closed, but stay tuned for updates about reopening. 
  • A decision about resumption of operations/classes will be made later on Monday. We will communicate this decision on Monday evening. When normal operations resume, please remember that the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff is our primary concern. We will remain flexible as we recover.

As I reflect on the current state of our community and region, I am reminded of one of the persistent themes of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus encountered pain, suffering, sorrow, and brokenness at nearly every turn in his ministry. When Jesus encountered these things, he did not recoil or run away. He met them with the profound and deep grace of his personal presence. So, as we ourselves encounter the pain and loss of our brothers and sisters in our region, my prayer is that we would also be able to meet them with the profound grace of Christ in our personal presence. May we be present to each other in love and service as we seek to restore what has been lost over the past 48 hours. 

I am grateful to be part of this community that has service to others as a core marker of identity. Let us lean into that focus on service as we love our neighbors. 

In Christ, 


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